Friday, 28 May 2021

Culture games


Wizards is a game from Russia (Fun Fact: Russia, is the biggest country in the world!). A kind lady named Valiya, came in to teach all the leaders and house captains (including me), the game. The game is kind of like freeze tag but a bit different. The game is simple really, you could have 3 wizards, and 5 runners. you would need and even group of kids, and split them into 2. You could have more than 3 wizards and 5 runners, depending on how much space you have. The wizards job is to tag you, then you need to freeze, on the spot, extending your arms and legs like a starfish, while you do that you have to shout, "Chai, chai, chai!" I think the word means help in Russian. If a runner tags you again, you are free to run. 


Stream is also a game form Russia, and requires you to be quick. You can have as many people as you want in the game, just make sure to keep the flow going. For this game you would need an odd amount of people in pairs with there hands in the air like they high fived each other. And there is also one more person at the front, running under all the hands and they have to grab one random arm and the person who got grabbed has to follow the person to the back of the line and put there hands together in the air, and the person who lost their partner, goes to the front and repeat the same thing. The idea is to keep it going like an infinite water source. These games were really enjoyable, blog you later! 

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Spark Arena

Spark Arena

Today we went to Spark Arena! At Spark Arena, we went into, "Tune forks" Inside tune forks we saw instruments, and pictures of some famous artists. I saw a picture of, Bruno Mars, Ed Sherran, Six60, Taylor-Swift, Imagine Dragons, and some other famous artists. 

There were some helpers who had set up some computers that taught us how to play a drum-pad, and a set of drums. We were very lucky for our school to get picked, following by 2 different schools, (Royal rd, and Linking rd.) Suzy Cato told us there are three different places, Happy Place, Sounds Fun, and Van Gogh. We got to go to Happy Place first. 

Happy place is a place to have fun and to be happy. In Happy Place is big ball pit that's right up to my chest! The instructed told us (Me, Dev, Ibriham, and Nijel.) to jump on his count but when he said "You guys have to jump-" Ibriham jumped in head first into the ball pit! When we had all jumped in, we were all laughing as the teachers took photos. When Nijel jumped in I  literately couldn't see him! His whole body was inside the pit! 

It was really enjoyable, but at the same time, it was hard. I had a hard time getting out, but it was quite funny. Once I got out, I went to this space where heaps of chains were. (If you've ever been there, you'll know what I'm talking about) Eventually, I bumped into myself about 6 times, and it was so confusing. I also scared Naweed (Sorry Naweed.), then I saw a room that was all yellow, and had yellow ducks around the walls with a bathtub in the middle of the room. I didn't want to try it out, because it felt quite creepy for me.
There was also a disco room, and Mason was really busting out some poses. There was also a upside down room. We had to either jump, or act like it was natural. But obviously you would have to jump, we also tried not to  smile to make it look real. Then we had to go back to tune forks, and played some instruments which is called, Sounds Fun.
At Sounds Fun, we played instruments, sang songs, and learned to play some beats.
I came across a drum set, but this was a ordinary drum set, it was an electrical drum set! It looked futuristic, and bright. There was a screen attached to it, telling you when to hit the drum, and when to tap your feet. If you get all green, it means you got a perfect score and you get heaps of stickers. Then I went to the other side of the room, and tried out an instrument, I forgot what it was called, but it felt like I was playing in a marching band. Then we went to Van Gogh.
Van Gogh is basically an art gallery with all, 'Van Gogh's' art in digital. Van Gogh painted heaps of people and flowers. I think it was Martin who said, "The people that Van Gogh painted, is probably all his his friends who died." I agreed with Martin. There were heaps of beautiful flowers, and houses, with some dramatic music in the background. There was also a train, I still don't understand why there was a train, but I think it has something to do with his past. It felt really cool going to Spark Arena, and it was a whole lot of fun. Blog you later!

Friday, 14 May 2021


First day back at school from the 2 week holiday, we started off with training diary's. First we had to fill in our (The students) names, and emails. Then we had to fill in the address of the school. Eventually we read some of the information the Warriors do for their training. 

After we read the information, we went outside to do some fitness. The first fitness we did was the plank. For the plank, the teachers would told us to tuck our T-shirts so they could clearly see if we dropped down. If you don't how to do a plank, you have to lay down on your belly first, then stand up with your toes and elbows, to make it look like a piece of wood laying down. Me and my friend, Dev (Go check out his blog!), stopped at 1 minute, and had forgotten we could do longer than that! LOL! 

Next we were doing the burpees. To do a burpee, you have to lay down on the ground as if you were going to do a push up, then get up bending down, and jump, I got 18 in 60 seconds. Then we had to do the 10 metre shuttle. 

We had to run 10 metres forward, and run 10 metres backwards, I got 6.8 in 60 seconds. And last but not easiest, THE ENDURANCE RUN!! The endurance run was really hard, but I managed. There are 4 leads, if you do all 4, that is 1 whole lap. The rugby pitch was about 27 metres, and form there  to the climbing frame was about 18 metres, and there back to the post was about 23 metres. (Really stressful huh?) Blog you later!

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Anzac day


On Anzac day, we (My family) went to the museum! We saw some clothing from the 40s - 60s, and decided to try them on. The clothing was thick, and a little heavy. Next to it, were some of the very few items they (The soldiers) packed for the war. They would pack it very tidily. They would pack only 1 pair of socks, a shirt, pants, a toothbrush, a comb, soap, and maybe some chocolate, and an underwear. There package is very tight, and small. The reason why they pack so tight, was because they would have to carry their luggage for weeks, maybe even months! One person also carry's the whole communication system, there's a big computer at the back, with a long antenna on top. Their phones were more like, walkie talkies but almost the size of a book! But before all that, was the telegraph. The telegraph was one of the most secret common communication system all the soldiers used in the war. They would also hack into other lines, and hear what the enemy is saying. The telegraph make short beeps, and long beeps for you to code. And if your really careful, you could listen to what the enemy is saying. You could decode the beeps, and find out where there next attack is, and where there weak, and strong spots are. We also saw some medals. The medals looked interesting, and also have a meaning to it. After the war, the general would present all the medals in a medal ceremony, to all the soldiers that went for the extra miles, and did some bravery out in the battle field. War is ugly and violent, war isn't pretty and not a good thing to talk about but, thanks to all the soldiers that fought and to all who died, for fighting for our freedom, and for these lives. Blog you later!