Friday, 28 May 2021
Culture games
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Spark Arena
Spark Arena
Happy place is a place to have fun and to be happy. In Happy Place is big ball pit that's right up to my chest! The instructed told us (Me, Dev, Ibriham, and Nijel.) to jump on his count but when he said "You guys have to jump-" Ibriham jumped in head first into the ball pit! When we had all jumped in, we were all laughing as the teachers took photos. When Nijel jumped in I literately couldn't see him! His whole body was inside the pit!
It was really enjoyable, but at the same time, it was hard. I had a hard time getting out, but it was quite funny. Once I got out, I went to this space where heaps of chains were. (If you've ever been there, you'll know what I'm talking about) Eventually, I bumped into myself about 6 times, and it was so confusing. I also scared Naweed (Sorry Naweed.), then I saw a room that was all yellow, and had yellow ducks around the walls with a bathtub in the middle of the room. I didn't want to try it out, because it felt quite creepy for me.
There was also a disco room, and Mason was really busting out some poses. There was also a upside down room. We had to either jump, or act like it was natural. But obviously you would have to jump, we also tried not to smile to make it look real. Then we had to go back to tune forks, and played some instruments which is called, Sounds Fun.
Friday, 14 May 2021
First day back at school from the 2 week holiday, we started off with training diary's. First we had to fill in our (The students) names, and emails. Then we had to fill in the address of the school. Eventually we read some of the information the Warriors do for their training.
After we read the information, we went outside to do some fitness. The first fitness we did was the plank. For the plank, the teachers would told us to tuck our T-shirts so they could clearly see if we dropped down. If you don't how to do a plank, you have to lay down on your belly first, then stand up with your toes and elbows, to make it look like a piece of wood laying down. Me and my friend, Dev (Go check out his blog!), stopped at 1 minute, and had forgotten we could do longer than that! LOL!
Next we were doing the burpees. To do a burpee, you have to lay down on the ground as if you were going to do a push up, then get up bending down, and jump, I got 18 in 60 seconds. Then we had to do the 10 metre shuttle.
We had to run 10 metres forward, and run 10 metres backwards, I got 6.8 in 60 seconds. And last but not easiest, THE ENDURANCE RUN!! The endurance run was really hard, but I managed. There are 4 leads, if you do all 4, that is 1 whole lap. The rugby pitch was about 27 metres, and form there to the climbing frame was about 18 metres, and there back to the post was about 23 metres. (Really stressful huh?) Blog you later!