Monday 30 March 2020


Coming to the second week of the lock down,we get through the first week,and the numbers of people who get sick is still climbing,its on 500 now and my heart is with their families,
We have to keep ourselves  entertain, and educated and don't forget to exercise everyday and very important to pray stay connect to God in your own bubble means only arround your house hold family area in our home. Sometimes I feel like were in a prison but accept for the family fun game. I still enjoy the lock down time cause we also get to watch movies if we finish our duty and school work early.
My dad bought a new fridge so we can have extra stock during the lock down.Now we got two freezers and a refrigerator full of food, also our pantry is absolute packed we are well stocked for the occasion,so we don't have to leave the house, or need to go to the  grocery store very often. Well maybe it's not that boring just for now. we do this to stop the corona virus from jumping from person to person. I know it's scary but I guess it's something we have to face.

One day my family will get it, but hey guess what, there are now 50 people that are recovering from the corona virus so maybe were not that doomed.

Be safe and take care everyone!

By Ros

Friday 20 March 2020

Swimming at Cameron Pools

This term I went to Cameron Pools it was amazing we did streamline, dolphin dives, and other stuff.
It was like a journey from smallest to biggest, and one part was when we went in the pool but with life-jackets! We also got to ride a boat in the pool!!! It was like a theme park but with more water!
It was like we were having free time but it last for a pretty long time, but they say it's not for fun it's for learning. So when you're going to the beach and your boat turned up side down don't panic other wise you will drown. What you have to do is to try and float on your back.