Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Dot art

                          Dot art

Today we did dot art, and today's dot art was related to Christmas, we did a Christmas  tree, here is what we had to do.

First, we had to listen to the instructions on the mat.

Second, we had to line up and get 1 pin, 1 peace of coloured paper, (size must be A4 in order to line up with the paper) and of course the dotted paper.

Third, we had to put the A4 sized coloured paper under the dotted paper, and punch holes with the pin into the dots.

Fourth and final, once were done we put our paper on a window and the results should look like a Christmas tree, but light coming through the dots.

Thank you for reading my blog, blog you later! 

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Art book

Hello Bloggers!

Today we did something cool,  im sure some of you know what I mean. If you are interested please stay for the information. First we had to go to the website called, celebrating summer. Second, it took us to a register page and it asked very easy questions like, you school name, your name, your home blog page, and all that kind of stuff. Third and final, once we've signed in, it should show you a link, we we'rent supposed to press the link so, we had to go back to the tab we opened before the register tab, and watch a video of an lady telling you the instructions. The instructions were simple, first we had to scroll down to where it says, "kick start" Below the word, you should see links that link to different places, keep on moving your mouse cursor, until it reaches the link Art Book. Then there should be a button that says, launch experiment, when you press it you should see paintings, and pictures. When you click on the pictures, and paintings, it should take you to a colouring page, it will let you colour the picture, or the painting in. I did a painting of water melons. Have a great time playing with the art book! Blog you later!